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Chinese Dim Sum Recipe Made Miele Easy


Chinese New Year 2016 heralds in the Year of the Monkey on Monday 8th February. So to celebrate in Cantonese style, Miele have come up with this super easy Pork and Prawn Dim Sum recipe so you can put your Miele Steam Oven to the test. Guaranteed to impress your friends and family if you try this Dim Sum recipe out, we want to know!

Pork & Prawn Dim Sum


For the dumpling dough

250ml wheat starch (available from Asian supermarkets)
½ tsp salt
150-200ml boiling water
2 tbsp potato starch, to use when rolling out pastry

For the dumpling filling

150g pork mince
110g raw prawns
1 tbsp coriander, chopped
½ tsp garlic, finely chopped
½ tsp ginger, grated
¼ tsp fish sauce
Zest of ½ lime
1 tsp sweet chilli sauce

1. For the dumpling dough, in a bowl combine the wheat starch and salt. Add the boiling water and stir to make a paste.

2. Knead with your hands for about 1 to 2 minutes until smooth. Sprinkle potato starch on to a work surface to ensure that the dough does not stick.

3. Roll the dough out until it is about 2mm thick (has to be very thin) and cut out the discs using a pastry cutter. N.B. This dough should be used warm. Stuff with the filling straight away. If it becomes cold, reheat gently in the steam oven and continue to use.

4. For the filling, finely chop the pork mince and the prawns and place into a bowl. Add the coriander, garlic and ginger and mix well. Add the fish sauce, lime zest and the sweet chilli sauce and combine well with the mix.

5. Fill the dim sum dough parcels and place on to a perforated steam tray and put in the Miele Steam Oven. Steam for 4 minutes at 90°C. Serve immediately.